Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sunday Snapshot

Our new family portrait

This is our family.

Yes, Monkey is trying to remove Dragon's head.

That's just what life in our house is like.

If you look really close you can see the nose of a giant snake sticking out from behind Monkey's hat.

The snake was the whole reason for taking the photo.

Yet, still he missed out.

I am loving the self portrait feature on my phone.

So are the kids.


  1. My favorite photos are the ones that tell the real story.

  2. A bit worried about the snake...
    Very fun picture. Phones have many good uses.

  3. Of course I am still looking for the snake.

    I love the picture. Tell Monkey to stay strong, I am sure he will really take out his brothers one day.



  4. Great shot - still looking for the snake though!
    Have fun

  5. Why does it look like the snake is about to eat your baby... and all you guys are doing is taking a family photo... Was it to preserve your memories of your poor baby who is no longer with us? OK, I HATE snakes and often think they are going to KILL us... and, if I can see it, it is too close... no matter how far away you are going to say it is!!

    Mrs. NB

  6. Seriously...your country freaks me out. Big snakes, big toads...big spiders. Good Lord!

    Well, anyhow, I love this photo even if a snake is trying to eat your kid. It's totally really! :-)


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