Church in the morning (7:30 start for hot cross buns, bit early!!!) with a super children’s talk by Mrs W, then home for a day off work. The order of the day was hot cross buns and babycinos on the patio. Mummy McT and Wolf had cappuccinos and the little ones had babycinos and we all shared the hot cross buns. They were great, lightly toasted in the oven (okay so not so lightly toasted but not burnt). Lion can tell everyone why there is a cross on the top of the buns, it reminds us that Jesus died on the cross so we can be his friend.
They also had a play in the veggie patch. Yes, we have a huge cubby house/fort for them to play on with a 2m x 2m sandpit but they play in the empty veggie patch. They had the hose and filled it with water so it was delightfully muddy and then they wallowed until morning tea was ready. Once it was all over they got hosed off outside before Mummy McT allowed them to come into the house.
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