Monday, 29 September 2008

Hearing Test Tomorrow

Left this really late... Been trying not to think about it... Lion has a hearing test tomorrow morning (tuesday)... I am a little nervous... Would really love some prayer... Fairly confident it's nothing... He can hear a chocolate wrapper being opened in another room... He strangely can only NOT hear the sound of his mummy's voice... Going for the better to be paranoid than neglect a genuine problem aproach... Doc says he has enlarged tonsils that could be causing him some hearing problems... Supposedly we are going to the best in town when it comes to kids (public hospital)... Doc also said it's better to check while they are young than before it causes problems at school... With his "centre of attention/clown" personality we are going to have enough problems at school... I dont need hearing related ones... Had my little hyperventilate... Off to bed now.


  1. We will pray.

    What a coincidence - Teddy is also having a hearing test today. Her 5TH!

  2. I'll pray for him.
    I do think it's a boy thing - selective hearing -but it's best to get it checked out. My twins are going for their hearing test on 9th October - must be the time of year for them! Hope all goes smoothly!

  3. Hope the hearing test goes well!!
    Teddy had a hearing test today!!

  4. Poor iltle guy. I will pray now.


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