Thursday, 6 November 2008

You're really a Mummy When...

You feel something in your own hair and are actually relieved that it's "just" a bit of blood from smacking your head mega hard on a playgym and not headlice.
Every time your child sits on your lap you start checking their hair for lice as a sign of affection, kinda like monkeys do really. (actually more specifically you are probably a mummy who has recently had a headlice "incident")

You hear yourself saying "NO MOWERS IN THE HOUSE" and it seems like a perfectly normal thing to say.

You keep a mental tally of how many times you have *almost* had to dash to emergency in the last 7 days. (predominantly but not exclusively mothers of boys)

You know which matchbox cars break skin when stood on and which ones just hurt a REAL lot.

Your "dont eat things you find on the floor" rule becomes "dont eat things you find on the floor at the hardware store or McDonalds"

For all other floors the 5 second rule becomes "as long as it still looks the same as when you dropped it it's good to eat"

You trek the whole way across town to sit on a beach for a two minute helicopter fly-over.

You get just as cranky as your 4 year old when the fly over is absolutely rubbish.

Your mobile phone ring tone is the Bob the Builder theme song.

Your newest friends take forever to remember your name because you are mostly known as "Lion's Mummy"

You get home some afternoons and realise that you didnt complete an entire conversation all day!


I wouldnt swap them for the world but boy they can frustrate me some days!!!!


  1. LOL - I can certainly relate - esp with the food & the toy car thing. We have missed head lice so far thankfully. I'm terrible with remembering people's names & often just know them as 'child's mum'! Shame about that helicopter flyover.

  2. Yes I can relate to most of that.

  3. This was so funny!

    I actually have terrible paranoia about head lice. We've never had them, but if we get them, I will be hysterical.

    I have a teeny tiny bug phobia.

  4. This was so funny!

    I actually have terrible paranoia about head lice. We've never had them, but if we get them, I will be hysterical.

    I have a teeny tiny bug phobia.

  5. This is so cute--and so true!!

    BTW--would love to see the recipe for your chicken bake!!


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