Saturday, 17 January 2009

Kung Fu Ninja Boys

It's been a big day for posting today, but hey, I had some time off work and it was to soggy to mow the lawn so we stayed indoors today.

The boys have been watching the Kung Fu Panda DVD non-stop since Christmas (I think I came home one day to be informed by Mummy McT that the DVD was watched about 4 times that day, a good effort). I was expecting it to have an influence of the boys and for a few weeks now Lion's Charater of the Day has stayed constantly as 'Tai Lung' the show's antagonist while pronouncing Dragon as 'Po the Panda'. Well it all came to a head tonight when we watched Mythbusters, they were doing yet another Ninja Myths show and that was the start. Po and Tai Lung started attacking me Ninja Style and then Kung Fu style and then decided that if Po and Tai Lung could fight while flying then they could too... Mummy had to catch one in mid-air leaping from the bed while I caught the other. I finally channeled the energy into posing for the camera.


  1. wow. Kung Fu Panda DVD. so great.
    you are hero boy. :).
    come on

  2. I call it the invincible stage! Good thing they have parents with lightning fast reflexes.

  3. I think Dragon has been stealing his brother Lion's food in a secret plot to usurp Big Brother Lion's position as the bigger brother.

    Lion, tell Mummy that you need an extra big bowl of icecream for dessert tonight :-)

  4. LOL - Katie has been watching the Wizard of Oz every single day since we got it a few weeks ago. Today she wore her ruby red slippers along with her football jersey to gymnastics class and the supermarket:)

  5. I'm wondering if the boy fully clothed in long sleeves is in the same room at the same time as the boy with just his undies, and if so, which is the tougher boy?

  6. btw: I love the photo editing. that is so cool.

  7. Remember the Mythbusters' quote - "Folk, don't try this at home!" - should be listened too.

  8. Isn't it funny how little boys love to act out and do all the physical stuff, like kicking, chopping, flying, etc!

  9. @ Chimera - yes Dragon normally ends up eating Lion's breakfast, and if they have to share food, Dragon ends up scoffing the lot.

    @Queen Stuss - yes both boys in the same room at the same time. The Air Con was on so I guess Lion was the tough one. If it wasn't for the Flying Horse Kicks he would have looked more like a Smurf.

  10. @Queen Stuss - Dragon had hidden Lion's PJ's that morning and Mummy McT was off hunting for them while the photos were being taken... I am starting to wonder if there is some plot to overthrow bigger brother like Chimera suggests...

  11. The photos are so cute!!!

    We used to watch Kung Fu Panda all the time too!!!

    My 4 sisters won't watch anything except for Barbie Diamond Castle!!! :)
    OK, they'll watch other things aswell (only if mum chooses it). If mum asks the girls to choose, they just choose Barbie Diamond Castle ALL THE TIME!!!


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