Saturday, 11 July 2009

Imagination (Now in Français)

Last Sunday, the lady doing the kids talk used a G.P.S to lead into the message, she showed us a picture of one and had an iphone which she brought up google maps on as well.  Lion was so impressed that he went straight back to his seat in the pews and made his own GPS. (You can see it in the picture above behind the croc and tiger).

The same day he also announced he had named the croc above 'Bulldozer' and his new best friend

'Why Bulldozer?' I asked.
'Because Bulldozer is a good name for a crocodile.'

Can't fault that logic as I would do the same thing if I saw a bulldozer or a croc coming at me and that is not be in it's way.

After getting the tiger above at Christmas last year (8 months ago) he decided that now would be a good time to name it.  'Serbus' is what he called it, no idea where that came from and no amount of questioning can get it out of Lion where he came up with the name.  If you live in Romania 'Serbus' is the equivelant as saying 'G'day' in Australia. It could also be that we have mentioned that it is a Siberian Tiger and that was what going through his head, but then again it could be none of the above.

And in French to celebrate Jean Cauvin's Birthday:

Dimanche dernier, la Dame font les enfants talk utilisé un G.P.S pour conduire dans le message, elle nous a montré une image de l'un et avait un iphone qui elle a grandi cartes google ainsi. Lion a été tellement impressionnée qu'il revint directement à son siège dans les stalles et qu'il fait sa propre GPS. (Vous pouvez la visualiser dans l'image ci-dessus derrière le croco et Tigre).

Le même jour il a également annoncé qu'il avait nommé le croco au-dessus de 'Bulldozer' et son nouveau meilleur ami.

« Pourquoi Bulldozer? » J'ai demandé.
« Car Bulldozer est un bon nom pour un crocodile. »

Ne peut pas faute cette logique qu'aurait la même chose si j'ai vu un bulldozer ou un croco venant de moi et qui n'est pas nécessairement dans sa manière.

Après l'obtention du tigre ci-dessus à Noël l'année dernière (il y a 8 mois), il décida que maintenant serait un bon moment pour nommer. 'Serbus' est ce qu'il a appelé il, aucune idée où qui venaient d'et aucun montant de remettre en question ne peut la sortir de lion, où il a le nom. Si vous habitez en Roumanie 'Serbus' est l'equivelant comme disant ' G'day ' en Australie. Il pourrait être également que nous avons mentionné que c'est un tigre de Sibérie et c'était quel cours grâce à sa tête, mais alors again il pourrait être aucune de ce qui précède.


  1. I love comments, too! Aren't they fun? Letter writing is sadly becoming obsolete, leaving my mailbox quite forlorn, but comments are still mini joys! I read a bit of what you said about yourself and the clan, and was wondering.... do you share the recipe for fairy cake? :)

  2. LOL about the names! Too funny (and quite clever too!)
    What a cutie Lion is!

  3. I like the names - esp bulldozer!!!
    You are smart to write your post in french as well!

  4. Kids are so funny and they keep us smart and young. They come up with new words and we figure out what they mean...maybe.

    Looks like you've had fun in church today or yesterday.

    Take care,
    Nannette @ Life: Be In It

  5. OK. You speak french too? Is there anything you can do?! Oy!

  6. I think Bulldozer is a very cool name for a crocodile.

  7. I agree! Bulldozer is an awesome name for a crocodile!!! Love how your boys think!

    Mrs. Nurse Boy


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