Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Lion's 5th Birthday

My sweet Lion turned 5 yesterday. 5 is a special birthday. Every birthday is a special birthday but 5 was anticipated more than most... since before he was 4 he has been waiting to turn 5!

Do you know what happens when you are 5?

You are the age on the big boy Lego box!

That means that your mean mummy will FINALLY let you have some REAL BIG BOY LEGO!!!!

Needless to say, the day started early. We didn't do presents until daddy had been dragged out of bed, but thankfully Lion had recieved some big boy Lego the day before at our family party that he was able to keep playing with until mummy deemed it a suitable hour for waking daddy.

Dragon was chief present presenter and huggler...

This was just after Lion had opened his lego base board from Monkey. The next gift was a Lego fire station and fire truck set from Dragon.

Then we moved on to his Lego tow truck from mummy and daddy... This was, after all, the year he turned the age on the Lego box!

Does he look happy with it???

So how did he spend his birthday? I'll give you a hint...

The whole day was taken up with playing Lego... He made all the sets up as the instructions said, then he disassembled them and made them in to other things.

I think we are like most families, you get to pick what dinner is on your birthday and what did Lion pick? Pancakes? No. Party food? No. Sausages? No.

POND-SCUM PASTA*. The boys had ham mixed through theirs and Wolf and I had some cold chicken with ours. Then on to the cake... or rather, what was left of the cake.

It had a sort of landslide-ish feel to it after making it to the park on Sunday then home again. The trucks were not no longer cake-toppers but cut-side-hiders. Monkey was a bit interested in that candle!

Time is short with a new baby in the house but be expecting lots more posts on my birthday boys as the days progress.

*Pond-scum pasta is better known as pesto pasta to most people. It's been pond-scum pasta for about two years now. Lion was pretending to be a turtle one day and was doing the "what's for dinner?" routine. We hadn't really had pesto pasta before and I KNEW if I told him what it was he wouldn't even look at it, let alone taste it. So thinking on my feet I dubbed it pond-scum pasta and told him it was turtle food. It is his lunch of choice at kindy which is fine by me because I can whip it up in a few minutes in the morning and we NEVER seem to have bread on kindy days. If only I could think like that every day...


  1. Happy birthday Lion..wow 5....
    have fun with your lego

  2. Happy Birthday to your Lion! :)
    Fabulous idea, you know...naming a new food with an AWESOME kid-sure-to-love name! SMART WOMAN, you are! :) I will have to try this...hmm...

    Super Power Spinach
    Crocodile Killin' Carrots
    Terrible T-Rex Tomatoes

    Hows that for starters! :D


    PS-I LOVE Monkey's face in the cake/candle picture! SO CUTE!

  3. I LOVE the picture of the three boys with the cake. Monkey's arm linked around Lion like he wants in on the cake action is adorable.

    Mmm, pond scum pasta is one of cousin wilbie's favourites as well. Our new basil bush is almost ready for making pesto. Can't wait.

  4. Happy Birthday to your little man. Five is a big milestone. ;) My niece's birthday was on the 26th as well, we celebrated Sunday with a trip to the zoo. And the 24th was my daughter's birthday. 15! She spent it (per her choice) playing video games and then Dad took her to drive the minivan in an empty parking lot. Teen bliss.

    Good luck with the little bitty Legos. From experience, they fit really well in nostrils. Also, they hurt when you step on them barefoot. :) You're welcome.

  5. Jonathan loves Legos too! Those are on our list for his birthday, which is only about 2 weeks away! I can't even believe it!

    I just love the photos of the boys...especially the darling one of them hugging! I just about squealed when I saw that one!

  6. 5 is a very special birthday. Enjoy your lego, Lion.

  7. Happy birthday Lion!
    Welcome to the world of Lego. I hope he enjoys it as much as he hoped and may all his pieces stay in one place.
    I like his dinner choice too :)

  8. Awww...happy birthday Lion! Such cute pictures...it looks like he was thrilled with his gifts! I'll definitely have to remember to name my meals after interesting things like you did...I'm all for doing whatever it takes to get my picky toddler to eat what is for dinner!

  9. Happy (late) Birthday to Lion!
    Happy (late) Birthday to Lion!
    Happy (late) Birthday to cousin Lion!
    Happy (late) Birthday to Lion!

    It looks like he had a GREAT time!
    Hope his BIG 5 YEAR OLD birthday was AWESOME!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Lion! 5 is a big deal & all that Lego looks like fun (watch out it hurts when you stand on it!).


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