Saturday, 9 January 2010

Beach Baby

We’re all going on a summer holiday, no more working for a week or two... except for Wolf... and it was only for a day... and not really much of a holiday, just a few hours away from regular life... eh, scratch the song, it’s just not going to work for this post.

I took off up to our family beach hut for the day yesterday with the boys, Grannysaurus, Grandad and Great Grandma. We popped in to visit family friends who live in the area for morning tea and then headed to the beach hut for the rest of the day. Unfortunately I don’t have any photos of the big boys because I took all those ones on Mums camera. I do have a few of a certain little Monkey’s first trip to the beach! Lion and Dragon were both at our beach hut before they were two weeks old so this is quite a wait for little Monkey... and I think he liked it.

This beach is wonderful, it has just the right mix of everything you need and no one to share it with! While the grandies and the kiddies had a nap/rest during the heat of the day I headed down the road a bit to take Monkey to visit Aunty Em who was having a holiday with ALL her family nearby... and we may have stayed a bit longer than we intended since it was stinkin’ hot and their cabins were air-conditioned.

When it did get cool/shady enough to go down to the beach Monkey and I spent most of our time in the shade to protect his fresh new non-sunscreen wearing skin and let the grandparents (great grandma had gone home) deal with the big boys.  Dragon and Grandad took a wander down to the point and trialed a nearby playground and Grannysaurus and Lion took on the stinger enclosure.  Now don't think I was shirking all the hard work in this deal... Noooo, Monkey and I worked on his kissy face.

Unfortunately it was hard to get a photo with one hand and keep a hold of Mr Wriggles with the other.  He is really good at it but he has to be in the right mood or it just ain't happening.  Oh, and just in case you can't tell, he's VERY serious about kisses!

Monkey had his first feel of sand between his toes and I think the only reason he like it is because he made it into something close enough to work for mummy to do... he would keep his feet still JUST long enough to let me cover them up then he would kick it off and wait for me to do it again... possibly he just kept freaking out when his feet kept disappearing... who knows.

Most of the time he wanted to be sitting in my lap or carried but he did get his feet wet (photos on mum's camera) and he did have a little lay down on a beach towel just chillin' in the afternoon cool.

Now, just because I can't get enough of those sweet little beach baby toes here's another photo...

 Now I need to plan when we can go back as a whole family for a few days... We are a big family with four generations and one beach hut so if you don't book in early all the good weekends are gone!


  1. It must be from all of the kissing practise he does, but his cute little 'cupids bow' lips seem to be becoming even more cupids-bow-shaped. Therefore even cuter.

  2. Stop it, Monkey, that kissy face and those beach toes are making me a wee bit baby hungry and that's not a good thing!

    I absolutely love the beach. Jealous. Make room in that family vacation for a US blogger.

    I'm curious about Kate how is she doing?

  3. Honestly, I adore baby toes. My youngest still has sweet feet but only when they're fresh from the bath. In sneakers all day, you wouldn't be able to get within sniff range without falling down dead. ;)

    I'm jealous of your beach weather. It's in the 40s here today, overcast and drizzling. I'm going in to hibernation.

  4. Sweet baby toes! Monkey (aka Mr. Wriggles) has grown a lot.... He's such a cutie-pie.

  5. Oh, those baby toes! Looks like a great day.

  6. I am not sure what I am more jealous of... that ADORABLE baby of yours, or the SUN and SAND!! Nothing but cold and snow here.

    Mrs. NB

  7. My boys weren't keen on sand for several years. It does kill you not being able to go to the beach on a hot day because of the screaming that would ensue.
    But Monkey is adorable as always. I love those baby round legs and sweet little face.


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