Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Backyard Billabong Bunyips

A while ago I posted about some bunyips playing in a billabong in my backyard.  I thought since I am so crazy-busy this week with all the usual stuff, plus bridesmaid stuff for my sweet Em's wedding on Saturday, I would show you the rest of the photos of my darling bunyips trashing our backyard.

The littlest bunyip so very much wanted to play too but there was no way I was dealing with that mess!  He was sitting on the edge of the patio with me as I tried to restrain him and take photos.  He wasn't too impressed with his end of the deal.  I'm not sure what was in that truck in the last photo, I think it was just water... possibly dirt and water... not real exciting but it held their attention for ages!


  1. They had a great time! The dirtier the better.

  2. Wow. Like, speak English, K? :-)

    What are billyops or bilabongs er...I'm so confused. I would have checked that truck out..I bet it was a frog! :-)

  3. Looks like they're having a lovely time there! It won't be long & all the boys will be out there in the mud & the water.

  4. I personally like the action mud flicking up shots. Obviously rather squealishy in the backyard, but lots of fun.

  5. These pictures make me miss being a kid, they look like they are having so much fun. You are an awesome mom to let them splash around and get all muddy...I hope I can be that kind of cool mom that you are. I know a lot of them who would be freakin out over the mud but I think with smiles like that who cares? Being a kid is all about exploring and getting dirty in the process...as long as its fun the rest is just gravy.

  6. Every time it rains in the summer I take whoever will come and we walk barefoot in the rain.

    Love boys in the mud, I can almost hear Monkeys protests about the unfairness of being kept clean and dry on the patio.


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