Tuesday 27 July 2010

Dragon and Lion make Mummy cry

Dragon to Mummy- When I get big like you I'm going to drive a V8 super race car and I'm going to drive really fast so the police can't get me!

Mummy- Well, if you drive on a race track in a race you are allowed to drive really fast and the police don't mind but if you drive on the road you need to obey the speed limit because it's dangerous to go really fast on the road with other people around.

D- Okay, well I will drive just normal on the roads and I will pick people up in my V8 super race car and I will pick up you and daddy and Lion and Monkey and I will pick up people that aren't my family and I will tell them that you are my family and that I love you... But I will race my V8 super race car and I will go really really fast and Lion, you can come and see me race.

Lion- Well I am going to be a police man so I will be working a lot to keep people safe and I don't think I will be able to go to see you race because I will be working a lot because policemen work a lot.

D- Well, Lion, that's okay if you need to go to work, people need to work and you will be a policeman to keep people safe.

L- Yeah, but sometimes I will need to have some time off so I will make sure I have some time off so I can come and see you race because I would like to see you race your V8 super race car.

D- Yeah, I would like you to have some time off, I would like you to see me race.

M- *tears*


  1. Ahhh, Lion and Dragon just made this Boy Mom tear up too. Boys are so amazingly, incredibly sweet from time to time.

  2. I LOVE your boys' conversations!!! Give them a squeeze from me!!

    Mrs. NB

  3. Oh that is so cute! I remember when Zai was going to be this fighter pilot that did the most amazing stunts etc... The funny thing is he's my quiet, cautious child who won't even get on a motorbike! (More likely the twins would do that!)
    Hope you have a lovely weekend - enjoy your precious family

  4. What sweet, sweet boys you have there. It's obvious that they are learning about love, friendship, and compassion. What a precious family you have!

  5. Yesterday, I received my Jeff Gordon poster. Yep, it's true. When Dragon is famous, will you send me a signed poster?

  6. Oh boys and their "toys"


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