Aunty K had to work today and being school holidays Cheetah was being looked after by the grandies so I asked if he wanted to come and play for the afternoon. All parties agreed on it and Lion and Dragon woke up from their naps to find Cheetah here! YAY! What an afternoon it was…
We love Duplo (or Duplaya as Lion calls it) and they decided to get all the different machines together with their different parts and correct drivers. I decided the results might be an opportunity to get a nice photo of the boys all together. it was a bit of a challenge… so a montage was in order so you can appreciate the full challenge that I faced. Cheetah isn’t great with doing a natural looking smile on cue and Lion is getting a bit the same. The big cheesy grin wasn’t what I was after so I thought I would say silly things to get them to smile or even giggle. Obviously I am funnier that I realise. A winner is always “daddy wears pink undies” or anything ending in “undies” kids find funny and their face is in the right shape for a smile (Same principle as “cheese” only not quite so boring) so then it just went on and on and on… 12 photos later this is the result.
After I had given up and hoped that at least one of the photos was just what I wanted (close but not really) I thought I would just take a few of each of them. None were really in the mood by that time. I did get this very cute shot of Dragon doing the serious job of making digger noises.

In our house the end of Playschool signals morning or afternoon tea. Playschool finished and I whipped up a big bowl of plain popcorn for them, they were quiet for about 15 minutes, it was great!

I kept trying to do work inside while they were all playing nicely, it didn’t work. Each time I went inside things descended to chaos so I was in and out and in and out and I gave up. WHAT AN AFTERNOON!

LOL!!! Dragon seems to be very serious about digging. Can he teach me how to make that face?! From Big cousin Dragon.