Off we strolled to MTQ today. We had built it up for Lion that we were going to see the spider exhibit that we thought was running. We got there and I asked the girl at the counter and it was only for the week of the school holidays. What about the southerners that come up north for their holidays??? I am sure they want to know what sort of creepy crawlies are under their motel room beds. Oh well, we had also promised dinosaurs and mummy McT knew that there would always be dinosaurs. (They are the same dinosaurs that were there when she was little)

First thing we did was put the kids in shackles. That kept them out of trouble and we quite enjoyed our quiet stroll around the museum.
Unfortunately that isn’t how it works and they just pulled their heads out of the holes and

Lion was a little nervous pretending to feed the hypsolophodontid dinosaur, just wait lion, they get bigger…

He was willing to give this one a hug.

Dragon would give it a quick pat on the head and then run off again, it was bigger than him after all.

Then they got even bigger…

Lion didn’t want to go anywhere near this one for the photo, it is suspended over one section of the museum with a viewing platform on the next level. Wolf told Lion to say “No dino, you can’t eat me!” Dragon started waggling his chubby little finger at the dinosaur saying “No, no, no, no” Lion could only point, and he didn’t want to stick his finger out too far just in case the dinosaur didn’t listen to him.

Then we went and watched the demonstration of one of the Bounty guns being fired. Wolf got to help, he was the guy that packed everything down tight. He got to wear a fetching red tie around his head and received a certificate. Lion was a little wary of the cannon and wouldn’t sit in the front row even though we were the first there and refused to get up with the cannon for a photo so mummy had to hold him while one of the lovely volunteers took a photo of all of us. Dragon spent the whole performance desperate to get up on the stage to help Wolf.

As with all the best museums there is heaps of stuff for the kids to touch and feel and

Lion held the world in the palms of his hands (we got a photo with him looking at the camera and pointing to Australia but I thought this one was more interesting)

We put their heads on a platter, we tested how fast we can all throw balls, mummy and Lion did some harmonograph drawings, we explored the rainforest up close, we went through a suburban scene and found snakes and spiders and bugs and butterflies and birds and frogs. We had a great time, we left feeling VERY tired and we don’t have to have nightmares from seeing too many great big horrible spiders.
What a day!
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