Wolf had the day off today, we did various things during the day and all ended up shopping in the afternoon. We had a coffee, Lion and Dragon got COVERED in chocolate powder, babyccino, iced chocolate, snot, a few other things too I am sure. So off we trundled to the parents room for a clean up. We had everyone cleaned up and wolf had just walked through the parents room door returning from his visit to the mens room when Lion started standing bow-legged with a serious look on his face. Mummy McT went into a panic. We had arrived seperately and Wolf being unaccustomed to getting children out of the car alone for a shopping trip had forgotten to throw the nappy bag on the pram so Mummy McT had visions of what may be in Lions undies and trying to decide the best thing to do with it. Send Wolf to Target to buy fresh undies and take the others home in the plastic checkout bag seemed best and then just pray that no one wants to do a bag inspection :) "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LION????" says Wolf who had the same possible scenarios playing out in his head. "It's the sign for the room" says Lion, Wolf doesn't understand (neither does Mummy McT), "Why are you standing like that?" "It's the sign for the room" (Mummy McT clicks at this point and starts to giggle) Wolf and Lion continued back and forth not geting anywhere while Mummy McT went over to the door...

"It's the sign for the room" says Mummy McT opening the door to show Wolf, "Lion saw it as you came in and was copying it.
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