Sunday afternoon we all went to a birthday party for one of Lion's friends. It was at a park which is great, it means I am only worried about them breaking themselves and not someone else' stuff. They had an absolute ball, Dragon ate so much he threw up (yes, he really did!!!!!) Lion played soccer, made a gorilla nest and ate HEAPS of lollies, they also played pass the parcel and were very successful in a treasure hunt. Lion's face was pretty grotty at the end (even if the photo is out of focus) but you can see from the other photo that they both had lots of fun, they were still buzzing for hours afterwards.

They had haircuts the afternoon before and then with the temporary crocodile tattoo that Dragon got at the party in his army jammies he looked like he was ready to ship out! he wouldn't hold is arm so you could see his tatt. but he is very proud of it:)

It looks like Lion had a lot of fun!!! I can just see the tattoo on Dragon's arm!!!