Saturday, 5 July 2008

Digging their own swimming pool.

Guess what…

It’s the middle of winter and we are running around in swimmers!!!!!

Poor kids, they want a swimming pool, they have to dig one themselves. These photos just made me laugh, thought I would share them, especially my little gardener mowing the lawn in his DT’s and playing peek-a-boo behind the pole.

Digging the pool.

Filling the pool.
Kicking back once the hard work is done



  1. Makes me cold just looking at these photo's.

  2. Oh that is so cute - my kids decided to dig a pool last year & they filled it with water & it was one fun mud puddle (kept them entertained for ages!)
    Thanks for visiting my blog - yours is really great - it's wonderful to meet another Aussie blogger. Can't believe your running around in swimmers - it's freezing down here - got to love the tropics!!
    Is it alright if I add your blog to my blogroll? If not please just leave a comment on my blog.
    Renata :)

  3. Ahem! Weren't you recently posting about how cold it was???

    Kitcat said to me this afternoon (when it was sleeting vertically due to the gale-force winds, and temperature was 2C) "Let's go to the pool - it's fun at the swimming pool mummy."

    Ha!ha!ha! I am not going anywhere near a pool for at least 5 months. I will send her to your place for a swim.

  4. Mum-me, so far this winter it has seemed a little Melbourne-like up here. Freezing one day, summer the next. There is no way I would have been swimming, and they did keep coming over for cuddles to warm up (which made me cold and wet) but it was warm in the sun for them. We'd gladly have Kitcat (at least for a few days) for a swim in our "pool". Mummy McT


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