Wednesday, 29 October 2008

So what did I do?

Renata and Aunty Wilbie have both asked what dinnner was last night. So here it is...
Sorry there's no photos...

I went to the cupboard and I knew that there was heaps I could make but I just couldnt get my head around it. You know how you have your brain set to "dessert for dinner tonight, must make cinnamon scrolls" and then you have to re-set it to "search the cupboard for something that I can throw together before my ravenous herd tear me limb from limb in search of food". Your brain just wont co-operate...

It looks at a full container of rice and says, I cant make anything with that or it sees the "emergency" stash of pour in sauces and says no, just not possible tonight so you think it's T-A Tuesday, Pizza! you go out to get hubby to take a child or two to get some pizza and find that there is no hubby and no children. you start to panic then you realise that they are all lost together so it is most likely okay. Then you realise that the car lights are on from one of the kids playing while hubby pumped up the bike tires and you figure you'll go to get the keys and lock them out for 20 minutes while you go and get pizza and realise that the keys are with hubby and he doesnt have his mobile phone with him...

You get the spare key and fix the lights and go in and look in the cupboard again... it's just not worth running off on them. You see the can of baked beans and think yep, that'll please the herds but what about me (i really cant stand the smell of BB, ugh, then when it gets heated up it's even worse, and the texture of the beans is just not my thing either, they are just about one of the most hideous things I can think to eat, sometimes I lick my finger without thinking when I am preparing them under duress for the kids and want to hurl but that's another story and this is a really long set of brackets I have going here) then you spot the tin of pumpkin soup and think that'll do me and it can be the extra for whoever misses out on enough BB because one tin isnt going to go far around here. Then just as you have your hand on the ring pull of the soup you hear a little voice chattering as it comes up the driveway...

SAVED. You know how it goes, same old story:)

We ordered online and Wolf and Lion went to pick them up. Now dont even get me started on why we have Pizza Hut now instead of Dominoes or Eagle Boys.

Today I managed to look at the same stuff in the cupboard and make it into dinner. Honey Mustard Chicken on rice. I really need to do some groceries though.

One sleep till my little baby Dragon turns two. Ohhhh, he's growing up so fast, he can talk a mile a minute, take Lion out in a fight, destroy the house as well as any 4 year old, he's just turning into such a little man. At this point when Lion was about to turn two I was VERY pregnant with Dragon, booked in for my C-section in a couple of days and wondering why I wanted them that close? Now I am wishing I had another one to take over the roll of baby of the family already!


  1. Happy Birthday Dragon!!
    Pizza Hut sounds great for dinner. I actually don't like baked beans either - but the kids sure love them - thankfully they finish off a tin between them, so I never have to eat any.
    Looking forward to the big two year old birthday boy's pictures!

  2. Happy Birthday Dragon!! Aunty McTavish - Cousin Wilbie says that as long as you are holding chocolate cake or something yummy, he will be your baby in the interim!

  3. Pizza Night is a very important aspect of keeping the family peace around this place, particularly during soccer season!

    Happy bday to your little guy! Have I mentioned before how much my oldest daughters and I love your header? Your guys are so stinkin' cute!



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