Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year...

I've kissed the ones I love.

I've had my three sips of champagne.

I've got REALLY ITCHY from previously mentioned champers.

I've got two little boys sleeping soundly.

I'm going to bed now.

PS. guess which little boy made it past midnight and which one crashed at 5 minutes to go... There's no prize, just guess anyway :)


  1. I'd guess Dragon made it and Lion conked out.

    We used to watch New Years come in on our east coast at 10:00 PM on the television then put all the kids to bed and have our own little party.

    Dang school teacher's teaching them to tell time.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I'm guessing Dragon made it to midnight...

  3. guess which boy in my house then woke up at 6:30.

  4. Lion slept while Dragon soldiered on? Serves yourself right - even three sips is three sips too many. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL TOO!!

  5. No sympathy from the out-laws but Boy Mom has the right idea! Why didn't we ever think of that. We could celebrate in NZ or Fiji time. It would make sense to celbrate at the very beginning of Jan 1 wherever in the world that is.
    I'm guessing Dragon soldiered on. When are you going to tell us?

  6. I could tell you but then I might ruin all the guessing games. I know cousin wilbie didn't make midnight even though he should would have liked to. I am glad he wasn't like Ralph though. He slept in until a respectable (but still too early for me) 8am this morning.

  7. My money is on Dragon :) It's always the little ones... LOL

    Happy New year and thank you so much for your supporting words this past year. So very much appreciated.

  8. hehe it IS a crazy time, what was I thinking??? Didn't plan that properly at all!!! Happy new Year to you and your little ones - cna't believe you were so organised new years eve!! Mine were still running around the house at midnight!


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