Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Everyone's a Comedian!

Can you believe him?

Wolf actually thought after the last week of snake craziness that it would be funny to get in the car and lob THIS

at me while screaming "WATCH OUT".

I was trapped in the passenger seat with no where to go.

Yep, I found it hilarious.

So hilarious I walloped him one.


  1. Sounds like grounds for a divorce, but I'm not suggesting that.

  2. I would have thrown the snake at him. NO stinking way.

    My husband would have had a heart attack if I did that too him. He absolutely hates snakes. We can't even talk about them in front of him.

  3. It looks long enough to go all the way around his neck. What a stinker! Still, he's got me giggling, sorry!

  4. That would have been SO.NOT.FUNNY!

    I'd o' wholloped him too!

  5. have to love them, or you just might kill them. ;0)

    Mrs. Nurse Boy

  6. How are you planning on getting even? Insert evil laugh here.

  7. OK I know I shouldn't laugh... but I do think it's funny... probably because I would have done the same thing!

  8. I'm so glad he has someone else to play his practical jokes on. I endured 19years - so you've still got a few to go to be even!

    And I know Wolf may tell you terrible stories about the things I did back to him but none of them are true. I was a wonderful sister who wrote his poetry essays for him.

  9. Karo syrup is light corn syrup, I'll leave this post on my comments too.

    They are sooo good.

  10. Hey there...a stick of butter has 8 tablespoons in it...does that help? :)

    And that probably seems really strange to anyone else who reads it.:)


  11. Awww! I hate snakes! I hate snakes! It would freak me out.

  12. LOL! It is funny now, i am sure. But I would've freaked when it happened. YIKES!

  13. Hi I'm a new reader! I've seen your name in a few places and decided it was time to pay you a visit!! Glad I did. I have two busy boys and live in Australia. Always glad to meet other Aussie bloggers.

    Will be back again!

  14. Gosh I would die! I am sooo afraid of snakes.

  15. @ Mum-Me: you may have wrote my poetry essays but the teachers still gave me the same mark they always gave me, while you were marked higher. Same person writing the essay but a different mark... Just makes you wonder how much of the essay the teachers actually read? The name at the top and no more?

  16. That's probably not as scary as pulling back your covers and finding a HUGE BIG toy tarantula sitting on your pillow!!!

    Dragon has done that to me a few times and it totally freaked me out. He knows I HATE spiders!!! ")

  17. That was so NOT funny. It looks real too.


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