Monday, 23 March 2009

It's the hormones

It's the pregnant hormones that made me burst into tears when Eternal Flame by the Bangles came on the radio. TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears when I saw the Huggies ad that made me remember that the Huggies ad used to make me cry when I was pregnant with Dragon. TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears when I saw a duckling because I remembered the tissue ad with the duckling on it that I cried over when I was pregnant with Lion. TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears when I ran out of Gouda cheese yesterday. TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears when Lion said "It's so lovely that all the butterflies have come to play in our garden to make my sore foot better". TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears at 3am when I realised that I didn't have anything ready for dinner that night. TOTALLY THE HORMONES! (because it wasn't like I had 15 hours to come up with something was it?)

It's the hormones that made me burst into tears when the really yummy truss tomatoes were even cheaper than regular tomatoes. TOTALLY THE HORMONES!

Okay, do we all have that clear??? TOTALLY THE HORMONES!


  1. poor poor girl! Buy hey, at least you only cry about being out of cheese when your pregnant...I think I would cry even NOT pregnant! :)

  2. I got it! The hormones! Whoa!

    They can really suck, can't they!?

    Ever since I was pregnant my hormones are still all over the place and I cry over the weirdest things!

    Hang in there, sweetie. Not much longer! Really....well...kind of. But you can make it!

    I'll be prayin' for ya' :-)

  3. I don't miss those HORMONES!!! But, you and I both know it is totally worth it!!!!


    Mrs. Nurse Boy

  4. I'm with Mrs. Nurse Boy. Totally worth it. Hang in there. All your bloggy friends will lift you up for the remainder of your pregnancy.

    Much love from NJ,

  5. What would we do without HORMONES? LOL!

  6. LOL! Yes, it's just the hormones!
    Although i have to say, hormones or not, some of those things would still make me cry (esp. sappy commercials. Get me all the time!)

  7. Got it...the hormones.

    Hang in there, Girl!


  8. Yes! Loud and clear! Hope the hormones start behaving themselves soon ..... you're about halfway there.

  9. Well, at least it's not your hubby blogging on here going "It's totally the hormones that made her snap at me." or "It's totally the hormones that make her fall asleep at dinner."

    That would have been my husband. I was so sick that he had to make dinner every night. I couldn't stand the smell!

  10. . . . . and then you get to middle age and menopause and the hormones (or lack thereof) start doing it all over again, but you never know when (or if) they are ever going to end. The downside of hormones must be a result of the fall, in which case it is something esle we can blame men for.
    That should cheer us all up.

  11. So, why were you so weepy last week?

    Very clever post!

    And I'm so sorry, too. I hope sunnier days are ahead.

  12. Julie B - Not any cheese, just the Gouda!

    Debi - I'll concede that some people would cry at the nappy ad, it's really quite sweet... the duckling ad... well, it's as simple as a duckling chosing to sit on the box of kleenex brand tissues rather than the "other brand" not a tear jerker at all... except for me.

    momstheword - We have made it past the point where I can't cook anything with red meat until it has been browned by wolf! I'm still constantly tired though :(

    Grannysaurus - Ohh goody, something to look forward to!

    Bobbie-Jo - That wasnt all in one week, it was just driving along crying to eternal flame made me think I should record all my crazy hormone tears... and this is just the start of one pregnancy... you should hear what I have cried about with the others!

  13. I remember those hormone filled days - I used to cry at everything (well maybe not tomatos). If it had a mother or a baby or anything related you'd have to dam the tears!


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