Monday 13 April 2009

What's all that shouting about????

Oh... me! Not that that alone is all that unusual, but this time no one wants their botbot wiped, no one needs me to pretend to be a dump truck with them, and no one needs any food. Now THAT is unusual!

Jonny's Mommy over at Boondock Ramblings has made little old me her first Sunday Shout Out.

So "Hi, welcome to our corner of the blogland" to all the lovely folk she has sent over this way. I've sent Wolf down the shop for some cheese and crackers (this was so unexpected, *blush* I have nothing ready) but for now you can help us get through some of these Easter eggs. And would you please stop jumping on the couch!!!! Oops, that was one of mine doing the jumping...


Make yourself at home while I give this owie a kiss. Thanks Jonny's Mommy.

Seriously, make yourself at home... there's dishes in the sink you can wash, the floors need to be done and another load of washing through wouldn't hurt while you're at it.


  1. How exciting!
    Good for you!
    They couldn't have picked a better blog to feature :)
    Enjoy your day!!!

  2. Uh, my kid just threw up on your couch. Is that bad? Hmmm...I'll get something to clean that up. :-)

    Ha! Just kidding. I shouldn't even joke about it. He might get sick today or something! Don't "speak it into existence" as my mom says! Actually she also says "You are snared by the words of your mouth!"

  3. You are always so enjoyable to read and always put a smile on my face, so Jonny's Mommy is a very smart woman! (Plus, she is funny, too. So, you are in good company!)

    Mrs. Nurse Boy


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