Sunday 10 May 2009

My Mother's Day

started far too early.
Seriously, who puts Mother's Day on a Sunday when I've gotta get up for 8:30am church?

Anyway, it started good. Lion ran to WOLF'S side of the bed because he had remembered the discussion we had the night before that he shouldn't wake mummy up in the morning.

I got my stash of gifts...
All I actually wanted for Mother's Day was the hoodie (oh so classy, I know) which I picked out and Dragon and Wolf paid for but Lion asked what I wanted for Mother's Day and I said that Dragon and Daddy had already bought something and Lion thought that wasn't good enough, Lion wanted to know what HE was going to get me for Mother's Day. So off we went to classy old Target on Saturday when every man and his kid was last minute Mother's Day shopping. I happened to see that the photo frames I had been watching out for since Dragon was 3 months old were in and were 25% off. I suggested that Wolf may like to persuade Lion that I wanted two of those for Mother's Day. Apparently Lion didn't think that was good enough... I NEEDED a teapot that had a cup underneath it. I REALLY REALLY NEEDED ONE! So, I got the lot.

When Lion was 3 months old we got a PixiPhoto done (ugh, yuck) and I put the free print and his fancy birth certificate in matching frames. When Dragon was (a bit more than) 3 months old we got a PixiPhoto done with the plan of putting it and his fancy birth certificate in matching frames to Lion's. They have had every other layout in the same style frame in except for the one that I wanted. Then finally over 2 years later they are there! YAY! Oh, and I got a bunch of cards that I had helped the boys make at playgroup and Wolf hadn't written in.

So tonight I framed up the photo and the certificate. FINALLY! Now we have to find places to hang them... um, I may have edited slightly the wording of the certificate for these photos :)

The poo free day... it didn't happen. Wolf decided to go off to a movie (I was thankful because it was Star Trek and there was NO WAY I wanted to see that) and 2 minutes after Wolf walked out the door Lion informed me that Dragon was stinky (I do need to be told, I have very little sense of smell). I cleaned it up and got them down for their nap and Wolf walked back in the door! The theatre was PACKED and he decided to come home and try a different day. My first loving words to him as he walked back through the door... "You owe me a poopy nappy" perhaps not the sentiment I intended.

We were heading over to Grannysaurus' this afternoon for poffertjes for avo tea (the poffertje maker was a combined birthday and mother's day present from us) and to give her the freckles we made for her (BIG freckles, YUM). Lion just would not put his pants on. He has always had a slight aversion to clothes "Mr Clothing Optional" is his name. I had to have this discussion with him...

"Lion, go put your pants on to go to Grandma's"

"I don't really want to wear them Mummy"

"No, go put them on darling"

"No, I'm okay, I'll just go like this"

"Any other day I don't care if you don't wear pants to Grandma's but you have to wear pants on Mother's Day"

The mummies of the Playgroup kids performed at church this morning. I forgot the camera and I realised with plenty of time to go get it (we were still pulling out of the driveway) but I figured that they wouldn't do anything anyway or at the most they would stand up the front like statues and pull faces to anyone that was looking at them so I didn't go back in for it.
They performed GREAT! They did the actions (but didn't sing) for the songs and did their parts for the presentation. AND I DIDN'T HAVE THE CAMERA!!!!! oh well.

So as I drink from the teacup from under my teapot (I've taken the teapot off the top, I didn't want to hit myself in the head with it) "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" to the mummy's we are related to and to the ones that we aren't.


  1. Happy Mother's Day - sounds like you had a lovely day despite the dirty nappy. Some mums will tell you there will come a day you wish your little ones were back in nappies, but I really don't believe it. And I hope Wolf did not give you the poopy nappy he 'owed' you. (It must be something programmed into babies when they are in the womb "Don't poop until Daddy has left the house.")

  2. Glad you had a wonderful day, filled with fabulous loot. I suppose one poopy diaper is a small price to pay, although you should definitely reserve the right to your poopy-free diaper for a later date. The poffertjes sound delicious too, powdered sugar, puffy pancake thingie, how could you go wrong?

  3. You forgot to tell how the children always save up their poop till they are at Grandma's place too - just so I don't ever get tempted to get out of practice and so that my rubish bin can share some of the aroma.

  4. Sounds like a great day.

    Reading that certificate I was really surprised thinking you really had named your children Lion and Dragon and married a man named Wolf. I mean, to each their own, but I kept picturing your biker husband and all of you living in a tree house somewhere and . . . well, anyhow, then I continued to read and it all made sense.

    Happy Mother's Day! And mine went great, by the way, even with all the drama. The kid was hilarious, the husband wonderful and it was a good day.

  5. And a happy Mothersday to you. Well, if gran does poffertjies, she must be Dutch, and then we share a lineage! I know you dont like it particularly much, but I do love those tea for one's. I love my tea out of a pot and not a cup, so it works well for me.

  6. You are SOOOOO right...Why isn't Mother's Day on Saturday?! We should get just ONE day all year that we can sleep in. I don't think that is asking too much!

    Mrs. Nurse Boy

  7. Keep meaning to reply to you cat... Grannysaurus isn't Dutch (man, that would mean some yummy food if she was) we just have this brilliant little cafe here that serves poffertjies and we are all addicted. Myself and two girlfriends meet there for breakfast for each of our birthdays just so we can have some yummy poffertjies first thing in the morning:) it's a hard life...


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